Ohdio.fm Tech Stack

Ohdio Loves JavaScript

This article is re-posted from my (now repurposed) Medium blog. Original post date: Dec 13, 2013

This is an article I’ve been wanting to write for quite some time and now I finally got the time. There are several reasons why I wanted to tell people, especially the local web development community, about Ohdio.fm’s tech stack. First of all, I wanted to share the technologies we use, so that other aspiring/established startups might gain some insight, or perhaps inspiration, from what we’re doing. Secondly, I personally am quite proud of what we have achieved in Ohdio.fm,- technology-wise -, from the backend technologies to the front-end development.

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To Startup Or Not To Startup

Is That The Question?

This article is re-posted from my (now repurposed) Medium blog. Original post date: Nov 12, 2013

Ah, the romance of a startup life. Making your own decisions, handling your own customers, trying to make money from a product you really love. Well, it sucks really.

It takes a big chunk out of your life. It takes you away from the ones you really care about. It makes you live shorter (I guess, I dunno).

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